Dog Socialisation Skills Workshop
Our Dog Socialisation Skills Workshop is designed to give owners and their dogs confidence and control around other dogs.
It will give you the techniques to control and focus your dog when out walking and give you an in depth understanding of dog body language to help you read your dog and other dogs you may come across.
The classes are held on an enclosed field with plenty of space. This allows you to work with your dog in a controlled safe natural environment.
If you would like to attend this workshop please contact us prior to booking so we can assess whether the workshop is suitable for your Dog's needs. It may be advised that a Reactive Dog Assessment and Training Sessions are completed first.
For more information about our Reactive Dog Assessments and Training Sessions please click here.
Full training notes provided.
Length of Course: 3 weeks
Venue: Week 1 - The K9 Hub, Unit 2C, Whitehall Industrial Estate Leeds, LS12 5JB - OWNERS ONLY
Week 2 & 3 - Leeds Corinthians Rugby Club, Ring Road, Middleton, Leeds, LS10 4AX
(Please note the venue is outside – if the weather conditions are not suitable for the class. We will cancel the class and inform you with as much notice as possible. The course will run on the following week until the 3 week course is complete).
Dates: Thursday 10th March -Thursday 24th March 2016
Tuesday 19th April - Tuesday 3rd May 2016
Time: 7.15pm-8.15pm
Cost : £50.00 (Please note full payment must be received by cash or bank transfer before the first lesson)
If you would like anymore information or would like to book a place, please call 07481 802706 or email us: thek9hub@outlook.com